CDC is continuing to issue updated guidance as new information is revealed regarding the novel coronavirus.
During the coronavirus pandemic, the city, state, and federal government has made more resources available to those struggling with housing security, while our members have led the charge in improving accessibility to these resources for our Lower East Side community.
All evictions and non-essential construction work are halted throughout New York State. Housing Court remains open for emergency repairs and illegal lockouts.
Many of LES Ready!’s members offer housing counseling. Please contact GOLES at 212-533-2541 for remote housing counseling.
For information on the impact of Coronavirus on evictions and Housing Court, Section 8 and NYCHA tenants, as well as on recipients of public benefits such as SNAP, please see the below resources.
FEMA is currently reimbursing applicants up to $9000 in funeral expenses if the decedent passed due to COVID-19.
Only way to apply is VIA PHONE: (844) 684-6333 or TTY: (800) 462-7585
Call on Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Applicants must have immigration documentation, however documentation is NOT necessary for the decedent.
NOTE: FEMA WILL NOT REACH OUT TO YOU. Do not fall prey to scammers who are cold calling offering funeral assistance. You must reach out via phone to learn more about these benefits.
For answers to more questions, please visit the FEMA website here.
While this program existed even prior to COVID-19, to address the unprecedented impact of the pandemic, DSS/HRA issued an emergency rule:
Increasing the burial allowance from $900 to $1,700 and increasing the cap on burial costs from $1,700 to $3,400.
Extending the timeframe for when you can apply to 120 days from the date of the individual’s death.
Applications received on or after March 12, 2020 will be considered for the increased burial assistance allowance. All applications received will be reviewed regardless of immigration status.
Please visit their website for more information here.
Project Hope is a New York State Office of Mental Health program offering Confidential, Anonymous, and Free emotional support for people struggling with mental hygiene surrounding COVID-19.
Please call or refer their emotional support helpline +1 (844) 863-9314 to youth, adults, and seniors who are seeking trained counselors who understand how to navigate these difficult conversations.
Another round of PPP funding was recently approved under the American Rescue Plan. Senator Schumer, among other supporters, have reiterated frequently that even if your business did not qualify for the first rounds of funding, PLEASE REAPPLY as many barriers to approval have been lifted. Your business may even qualify for a loan that does not need to be paid back if it meets certain conditions. Applications are DUE May 31st! Visit their website to apply.